Innovation in Buildings – demonstrator projects

29 September 2017
Construction Leadership Council's Innovation in Building's workstream, supporting and promoting BRE demonstrator projects that are backed up by in-use performance date.

Sustainable Building Training Summit – Presentation Download

27 September 2017
The free event 'Sustainable Building Training Summit' will be a key gathering of leaders in construction and design education, covering FE, HE and professional CPD.

Mace CEO joins Construction Leadership Council to lead skills workstream

5 September 2017
Mark Reynolds, Mace CEO has been appointed to the Construction Leadership Council, where he will lead the CLC skills workstream.

CITB Triennial Review

31 August 2017
CLC statement on the CITB triennial review.

Digital Built Britain – Transforming the Sector

23 August 2017

The ‘Digital Built Britain’ programme – which I chair – has been working closely with the Manufacturing Technology Centre, the BRE and the i3P Consortium

Government response to the Farmer review

19 July 2017
The Government response to Mark Farmer’s independent review of the construction sector labour model.

Our Opportunity – the Construction Industry Sector Deal

18 July 2017
Progress in the development of the construction industry's sector deal.

Industry response group to respond to the Grenfell Tower fire

17 July 2017
CLC endorses the industry response group established to respond to the Grenfell Tower fire.

Circular Economy Top Tips

19 June 2017
The Green Construction Board launches new guide to assist the construction supply chain to embed circular economy principles.

The art of the deal

7 April 2017
It’s time for construction to engage with the UK’s industrial strategy and make key investment deals with clients and government.