Gregor Craig of Skanska on mental health in construction blog

11 April 2019

Following a visit the Construction Minister made to Skanska headquarters, I was invited to present to the CLC on the issue of mental health in

Article 50 Extension Agreed

11 April 2019
Familiarize yourself with previous CLC advice

CLC welcomes new pre-qualification initiative

11 April 2019
CLC welcomes the first phase of a new pre-qualification system from BuildUK and CECA

Construction Leadership Council Statement on Building a Safer Future

10 April 2019
Following an exchange of letters between Dame Judith Hackitt and I, I’d like to take the opportunity to set out the CLC’s approach to Building Safety

CLC welcomes Andrew Stephenson

9 April 2019
CLC welcomes the appointment of Andrew Stephenson MP as the new construction minister

Heathrow Logistics Hubs Shortlist Announced

28 March 2019
Sites will now be invited to enter a formal tender process this Autumn, and to bid to host the final four Heathrow Logistics Hubs

CLC Response to Interserve News

18 March 2019
CLC monitoring the situation closely and continues working for improvements in their promotion of the Construction Sector Deal

ONS Data Shows Construction Bounce Back

15 March 2019
New data from the ONS shows construction bounced back in January 2019

Chancellor presents his Spring Statement to Parliament

14 March 2019
The statement contained a number of announcements are of interest to the CLC and construction

Infrastructure Investment

7 March 2019
New report from the Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy summarising progress over the last year published
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