LEXiCON Methodology Consultation

19 July 2021
Progress to date and consultation launched. 

Routemap for Zero Avoidable Waste in Construction

16 July 2021
Launch Event Invitation

Site Operating Procedures Statement

15 July 2021
CLC makes statement regarding the Site Operating Procedures

Construction output falls 0.8% in May

9 July 2021
Construction output fell 0.8% in May 2021 with the level of output remaining slightly above its pre-pandemic February 2020 level

Trade Credit Reinsurance Scheme Closure and Updated Guidance

9 July 2021
CLC guidance on trade credit insurance during COVID-19 has been updated following the closure of the government reinsurance scheme on 30th June as planned

Andy Mitchell writes to the Construction Industry

7 July 2021
The industry is encouraged to adopt a collaborative risk management approach to current market volatility of labour and materials

CLC Statement on Road Haulage and the Availability of Skills

7 July 2021
Call for a review of the occupations eligible for a visa and an immediate update to the shortage occupations list

Building A Greener Britain

6 July 2021
CLC is calling on industry, government and society to help build a greener Britain to tackle climate change

Introduction of the Building Safety Bill

6 July 2021
CLC welcomes the Bill and calls for industry to play their part to improve

Brexit and the UK Adequacy Decision – CLC Update

5 July 2021
CLC Updates advice on the EU and GDPR
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