Net Zero Carbon Industry Initiative


Set up in 2011, the Green Construction Board (GCB) is the sustainability workstream of the Construction Leadership Council (CLC). David Pinder was appointed Chair in 2018.  A co-secretariat is provided by BEIS and the Construction Products Association.

The GCB’s focus is to advice on the regulatory, policy and technical framework required to deliver a zero carbon, zero waste built environment (both buildings and infrastructure) and to identify the commercial, jobs and export opportunities that such a clean growth, zero carbon, zero waste economy requires.

The main Board meets every two months. Government officials attend from BEIS, MHCLG, DEFRA, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, Innovate UK and Treasury. Industry representation is from experts in their field from across the construction and built environment sectors.

The Board works through task groups, currently these focus on New Buildings Energy, Retrofit, Infrastructure, and Resources, Waste & Circular Economy. The Board collaborates with others on skills, green finance and metrics.


Objectives of group:

To accelerate the transition to Net Zero Carbon with clear milestones for emissions reduction and adaptation that contribute to the carbon budgets set by the Committee on Climate Change to deliver the 2050 Net Zero Carbon target of the Climate Change Act.

To address the massive loss of biodiversity by embracing and implementing natural capital and environmental and net gain concepts into construction.

To input knowledge, expertise and thought leadership on Net Zero Carbon, biodiversity and resources, waste reduction and circular economy to CLC industry working groups and to thematic CLC workstreams so that their forward plans accelerate the transition to a sustainable built environment.

The transformation required of the industry to deliver higher performance buildings and structures that deliver zero carbon, zero waste, less impact on biodiversity, and wider social value provides significant economic opportunities for the sector and UK plc.

Current activities

  • Infrastructure : Review of ICR 7 Years On – a review of the progress and lesson learning from 7 years of the Infrastructure Carbon Review Commitment and the adoption of PAS 2080 on managing carbon in infrastructure projects
  • Development of a low carbon concrete routemap
  • Retrofitting of the existing housing stock – Recommendations for a National Retrofit Strategy
  • Buildings – report with case studies of existing high energy performance buildings
  • Zero Avoidable Waste – development of a routemap
  • Collaborating on the Low Carbon Skills report



A full list with links of publications is available here.


David Pinder

Executive Chairman, Mixergy