Manufacturing & Performance Industry Initiative


The Manufacturing & Performance workstream brings together the CIH’s funded R&D programme under the Construction Sector Deal with the wider industry movement of the CLC to develop new approaches for safe, high quality manufactured solutions across the built environment that improve value and performance in both construction and operation.  Alongside this approach, this workstream will develop a series of tools and processes that help measure value and performance, support the golden thread and embed greater use of digital solutions into the sector.  Working with the skills workstream, we will identify those new skills and capabilities that will be required for UK businesses to make the most of these opportunities.


  • To develop, accelerate and embed manufacturing solutions in the built environment, improving performance, supporting higher quality, safe, Net Zero assets and the development of capability and capacity in UK industry to deliver.
  • To create the right enabling framework through value, assurance and digital outputs to ensure manufactured solutions can be specified, measured, insured, financed and delivered with confidence

Current activities

  • developing with industry a platform based construction system, drawing on quality processes developed in automotive and aerospace sectors
  • developing a suite of tools to support value based decision making, using the Value Toolkit
  • preparing new digital and physical testing to provide assurance that new manufactured products and solutions are safe and meet standards and regulations
  • establishing a benchmarking and performance measurement regime to track progress and delivery


Keith Waller