Construction Output Increased by 2.5% in 2019

11 February 2020

• Construction output increased by 0.5% in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2019 compared with Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2019; this was driven by a 0.8% growth in new work, which offset a 0.1% fall in growth in repair and maintenance.
• The 0.8% rise in new work in Quarter 4 2019 was because of growth in all sectors apart from private new housing and public other new work, both of which fell 1.1%; the largest positive contributions came from private commercial and public new housing, which grew by 2.5% and 8.4% respectively.
• In repair and maintenance, the 0.1% fall in Quarter 4 2019 was driven by a 2.9% decrease in private housing repair and maintenance; in comparison, non-housing and public housing repair and maintenance grew 1.6% and 0.9% respectively.
• Construction output increased by 0.4% in the month-on-month all work series in December 2019; this was driven by a 0.8% growth in new work which offset a 0.4% fall in repair and maintenance.
• When compared with 2018, the level of all work in 2019 saw a 2.5% increase; this was predominately driven by a 3.4% growth in new work and, to a lesser extent, a 0.7% increase in repair and maintenance.
• New orders grew by 4.4% in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2019; this rise was driven by an 11.2% rise in all other work but offset by an 8.5% fall in new housing. New orders in 2019 fell by 1.2% compared with 2018.

ONS Construction Update

BEIS Construction Dashboard

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