Construction Output Increased by 0.6% in Quarter 3

11 November 2019
  • Construction output increased by 0.6% in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2019, partially reversing the decrease of 1.2% in Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2019.
  • This growth in Quarter 3 2019 was driven by a rise in new work of 1.4% but offset slightly by a fall in repair and maintenance of 0.8%.
  • In new work, most sectors saw an increase with private housing (1.8%), private commercial (1.5%) and private industrial (7.2%) contributing significantly to the rise in Quarter 3 2019.
  • In repair and maintenance, the fall in Quarter 3 2019 was driven by a 3.0% decline in private housing and to a lesser extent a decline of 0.3% in non-housing.
  • Construction output decreased by 0.2% in the month-on-month all work series in September 2019; this was driven by a fall of 2.1% in repair and maintenance, which was partially offset by a rise in new work of 0.7%.


ONS Construction Update

BEIS Construction Dashboard

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