Competition and Consumer Policy Consultation Launched

23 July 2021

On 20 July the Department for Business Energy and Industry Strategy (BEIS) launched a consultation on reforming competition and consumer policy.

The consultation sets out proposals to address markets which are lacking proper competition and highlights that consumers’ rights in some areas need protecting. There is also focus on delivering the manifesto commitment to give the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) enhanced powers to tackle bad business practices.

The consultation covers proposals under 3 themes which views are being sought:

  • promoting competition to drive enterprise, innovation, growth, and productivity;
  • updating consumer rights to keep pace with markets; and
  • strengthening the enforcement of consumer law by individuals and regulators.

The consultation will run until 1 October 2021. The consultation and supporting documentation will be used to assess the extent of the issues; and whether and what further intervention is needed. Participation in the consultations is encouraged, as a greater number of responses will create a far stronger evidence base.

The industry may want to draw their attention to Chapter 3 and the section headed ‘Improving the take up of ADR by businesses in non-regulated markets’ starting on page number 122 of the consultation document, as well as the associated question numbers 69-71. This section includes suggestions on the introduction of mandatory Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into the home improvement sector.

For more information, including how to respond, please click here