Baxi CEO Joins Construction Leadership Council

16 March 2018

David Pinder, Baxi CEO has been appointed to the Construction Leadership Council, where he will lead the CLC Green Construction Board workstream.

Commenting on the appointment, Andrew Wolstenholme, Co-Chair of the CLC stated:

“David Pinder brings a different perspective to the CLC through his leadership of a key construction manufacturing business and his wider construction products background.  David is ideally placed to lead the Green Construction Board and take forward its next phase of work, maximising the environmental benefits of adopting digital and manufacturing technology in the sector alongside a stronger focus on whole life performance.”

Paying tribute to the work of Mike Putnam, who stood down from the CLC and leadership of the CLC Green Construction Board workstream earlier this year, Andrew Wolstenholme said:

“On behalf of the CLC, I would very much like to thank Mike for his excellent work as a longstanding member of the CLC and chairman of the Green Construction Board. He has been both a leader and champion for more sustainable construction, across a range of important topics, including cutting carbon on infrastructure projects and increasing resource efficiency.  Mike’s work stands the industry in good stead as it seeks to make further reductions in emissions in the coming years.”

David Pinder, Baxi’s Chief Executive, said:

“I am honoured to be appointed to chair the Green Construction Board and to join the Construction Leadership Council, both of which are hugely important to the future leadership of the construction industry.  I bring to the role the unique skills and perspective of manufacturers who are key to ensuring that the whole value chain continues to become more environmentally sustainable, more productive and better placed to exploit the growing global market.  A greener construction sector, enabled by digital and manufacturing technology and focused on whole life performance, is fundamental to achieving the UK’s clean growth goals and I look forward to driving this agenda forward with GCB and CLC colleagues.”

Download the press release here: Press-Release-David Pinder_GCB-16_03_2018