Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Business Partner

A Partner is a company who is supportive of CO2nstructZero. We simply ask for you to demonstrate what are you doing in the net zero space and supply your logo, which will feature on the Construction Leadership Council’s website


What does being a Partner involve?

The programme is looking for the following commitments as set out below. Please note you do not need to provide all of them, just at least one:-

Signposting & support

  • Provide support/guidance to one or more of the 9 priorities which can be signposted from the CLC’s CO2nstructZero’s website
  • Report back to the CO2nstructZero programme board on areas of missing advice and guidance which could be developed to support your members/network


Communications and engagement

  • Use the range of your comms channels to cascade out CO2nstructZero news and industry progress
  • Host events for your members/network that focus on one or more of the 9 priorities, which support and are in collaboration with the CO2nstructZero change programme


Performance metrics

  • Assist with the collection of data from the industry that will form part of the Performance Framework and quarterly reporting
  • Support your members in selecting the appropriate metrics and commitments to sign up to
  • Monitoring organisations within your network who have signed up to ‘Race to Zero’, to encourage their continued commitment to reducing their emissions targets


Business Champions

  • Support your members to become Business Champions working with them to develop their initial case study
  • Finding an appropriate emerging leader to partner across your network with, if not able to find one internally
  • Feature your business champion and emerging leaders in your comms, forums and events to help share their learning across your network to their peers

What are the benefits of being a Partner?

  • Join up with organisations across the sector under the CLC banner to tell the sector’s story and showcase your journey to Net Zero
  • Gain access to the latest CO2nstructZero news, opportunities and information from CLC and BEIS around CO2nstructZero and the Government’s response to Net Zero
  • Opportunity for your events to feature on part of the CO2nstructZero’s events programme which will be signposted from CLC’s website and be considered for CO2nstructZero campaign announcements
  • Use of CO2nstructZero logo for email signatures, social media posts and events


Partners can join at any time. Selected companies will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure they remain able to commit to the programme and deliver on the above expectations

Number of Partners

We are not placing a limit on the number of partners and will be bringing on-board new companies across the course of 21/22

CO2nstructZero Business Partners